Hello! Check out the Comic Book Series on Algorithms that we made for AAD Course @ IIIT-H. It's a Mind Game between a cool Hero and an Awesome Villain.

Also we have a Feedback form you can fill after reading at the bottom of this page   :  )

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Episode 1 - Kill Sort

What happens if you have to use Merge Sort to save lives of people in a TV Interview? Meet the hero, villain and his sidekick as a bonus...

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Episode 2 -  Anecdote of the Antidote

What happens if the villain decides to test the hero on the Travelling Salesman Problem but at the same time he has to save his own life?

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Episode 3 - Pandemic Purgatory 

Inspired by recent Pandemic Corona , we explore the Knapsack Problem but with Approximations...  

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Episode 4 - The Final Problem 

Welcome to the "The Final Problem". The Final Episode of the series.  Filled with twists that you never saw coming.. A plot that has been made with intricate details that you might miss. So get ready for a thrilling ride... while we explore KMP Algorithm. 

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Overview of work


What is a comic without good Illustrations? Each Illustration was hand made and the illustrations saw increase in quality as the episodes progressed to match high levels of standards seen in real comics. The illustrations took a lot of effort and time and were designed with intricate details.  They account for more than 100 hours of extreme work. The illustrations were made in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Procreate on iPad. Later they were put together with awesome dialogues in Adobe InDesign. The Illustrations were inspired by our favourite comics and we tried to meet their professional standards. We hope you see the work that went into them. 

Story,  ScreenPlay and Dialogues

A comic will be incomplete without sassy dialogues, a good story and many twists... So we went ahead and overdid ourselves in these areas...  The story has a lot of scope and has proper detailing and reasoning as to why an algorithm is chosen and how it was solved in the situation. There were a lot of unpredictable twists, especially in episode 4, which we are sure, that it would make an impact and strike a chord with the audience if one goes through all the four episodes completely in sequence. We did a lot of research on what makes stories from Movies and Comics that we love so interesting and integrated these concepts into the comic. Hope you enjoy the amount of detail and work that went to this.


 It was fascinating to realise that the algorithms which we have been taught and researched and learnt about have such varied applications in our real life. Though this comic mostly deals with larger than life plots, the way we could map a famous algorithm like Knapsack to a puzzle which the protagonist has to solve for saving mankind, clearly shows how algorithms have become an integral part of our lives. It was a lot of fun to know about and realise the necessity of algorithms in general, and specifically about the wide applications they might have when it comes to fiction.It helped us explore new concepts and new algorithms. We have touched many new domains of algorithms. We appreciated the way the algorithms were proved. It really fascinated us. The way the approximation algorithms providing guarantees has provided a new way for us to link our mathematical and algorithmic experience. The NP complete problems exposed us to the fact that how hard it can be to solve a problem. 

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Thank You!

 We enjoyed the course, thoroughly. It helped us explore new concepts and new algorithms. We have touched many new domains of algorithms. We appreciated the way the algorithms were proved. It really fascinated us. The way the approximation algorithms providing guarantees has provided a new way for us to link our mathematical and algorithmic experience. Finally, we would like to thank Professor Kannan Sir and TAs for providing us with such a wonderful experience in this course, by giving us full freedom to explore and diverting away from the traditional methods of teaching. This was a new and better experience for all of us.